Ferrara and its province has famous and well known Wine&Food traditions.

The “Strada dei vini e dei sapori association” includes restaurants, farms, receptive structures  and has the aim to let the fantastic local gourmet know to the people.

-“frutti di mare”: cappesante, shrimp/crabs, clams, mussels, acquadelle, mullets, soles, cooked in typical restaurants and served in the traditional  fried or grilled ways.

-The Eel or “Anguilla” , the Comacchio gastronomy symbol, it is cooked in different ways: with rice or with brodetto and with soup, with grilled polenta, with stews, or grilled.

-The delicious “salama da sugo” called salamina, composed by a mix of different kind of pig meats, spices and red wine, served with potato purea/ mashed potatoes.

-“Ferrara bread” in its typical “couple shape”

-The pumpkin of this place’s  high quality  has the special element to create the  “cappellacci di zucca” a particular pasta with pumpkins inside, it is at the same time a little bit salty but also so sweet. The pumpkins is also good for rice and pasta, fried or with purea.

-The Ferrara province represents the right place for the asparagus’ s growth, which gives a special taste and smell to many local dishes.

-Some peculiar characteristics of the territory, as the extreme humidity, salty and mild seasons, contribute to the character of the “Vini delle sabbie”. The four wines are: Fortana, Merlot, Sauvignon and Bianco di Bosco, these wines are the four ones called “Vini del Bosco Eliceo”, and recognized DOC wines.